How Nature Inspires Thought, Action, and the Creative Process

Artists are a complex species, operating on a variety of wavelengths which, oftentimes, emanate from polar extremes.

One might find that upon encountering the stylings of Rembrandt or Rothko, the technical approach to such masterful works reflect the above sentiment accurately.

One might also find that between streaks of creative brilliance, moments occur where, although the stage is set to embark on the next opus magnum and the stars are seemingly aligned, that the creative engines backfire, and we stall, epically.

This phenomenon is likened to a “creative sickness”, and plagues artists to the extent of insanity.

Where do we go to find a cure?

In natural places, it is found that being present simply to rest and reflect has immense value.

Upon doing so, one may find that this prescription, albeit temporarily effective, is not the end-all cure for creative confoundment.

There are a multitude of factors that influence the collective outcome of such meditations, in particular, one’s state of mind and overall wellbeing.

One does not need to climb a tree to witness a thunderstorm! Dissipate the internal thunderheads that obscure the serenity one requires to truly absorb the rhythm of nature.

Acclimate the heart and body to its environment accordingly, and most importantly, create an experience worth recording.

It is one thing to observe a mountain landscape at a distance.

From this vantage point, one can behold majestic-towering peaks, penetrating the troposphere, and wonder at the ancient forms carved by winds eternal.

To climb and summit these mountains, however, unlocks a greater understanding and appreciation for the same.

As sweat pours down one’s forehead and each muscle begins to ache, the toil and work are an essential part of the journey.

Consider this the “entrance fee”, which is always due for those who aspire to reach this coveted vantage point.

A self-appointed challenge is the medicine which revitalizes the mind and reinvigorates the body.

Take courage in doing, for the quality of experiences are what garner creative growth and a healthy respect for work well-done.

Establish a trajectory, whereupon reliance on instinct, discipline, (and a touch of divine providence), builds trust within the self.

Going out to commune with nature is not a simple ritual – it is a gauntlet that begins by leaving the dried up idea-well at home, in order to pursue the coveted fountain of creativity at the end..

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