Biden to Mandate Vaccines or Weekly Tests for Federal Workers

WASHINGTON — President Biden plans to sign an executive order on Thursday requiring most federal workers to get vaccinated against the coronavirus or submit to weekly testing, according to three people familiar with the matter.

The order, which is expected to be announced on Thursday afternoon, will apply to all executive branch employees, including those who telework, the people said. It will not apply to federal contractors, who will instead be subject to a separate vaccine mandate issued by the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force.

The White House declined to comment on the upcoming order.

Biden’s order is the latest in a series of steps the administration has taken to increase the number of Americans who are vaccinated against the coronavirus. In July, Biden announced that all federal workers would be required to get vaccinated or submit to regular testing. The administration has also required all members of the military to get vaccinated, and it has encouraged private businesses to do the same.

The new order is expected to be met with resistance from some federal workers. A recent survey by the American Federation of Government Employees found that 39% of federal workers are not vaccinated against the coronavirus. The union has said it will not support any effort to mandate vaccines for federal workers.

Despite the potential for resistance, the Biden administration is betting that the order will help to increase the number of federal workers who are vaccinated. The administration has said that the order is necessary to protect the health of federal workers and the public they serve.

The order is also likely to put pressure on private businesses to follow suit. Many businesses have been hesitant to mandate vaccines for their employees, but the Biden administration’s order could give them the cover they need to do so.

The order is expected to have a significant impact on the federal workforce. There are approximately 2.1 million federal employees, and the order will require most of them to get vaccinated or submit to weekly testing. The order is also likely to have a ripple effect on the private sector, as many businesses are likely to follow the government’s lead and mandate vaccines for their employees.

The Biden administration’s order is a significant step in the fight against the coronavirus. The order is likely to increase the number of Americans who are vaccinated, and it could also help to reduce the spread of the virus. However, the order is also likely to face resistance from some federal workers and private businesses.

Here are some of the key details of the executive order:

* The order will apply to all executive branch employees, including those who telework.
* Employees will have the option of getting vaccinated or submitting to weekly testing.
* The order will not apply to federal contractors.
* The White House has not yet released the full text of the order.

The order is expected to be met with resistance from some federal workers. A recent survey by the American Federation of Government Employees found that 39% of federal workers are not vaccinated against the coronavirus. The union has said it will not support any effort to mandate vaccines for federal workers.

Despite the potential for resistance, the Biden administration is betting that the order will help to increase the number of federal workers who are vaccinated. The administration has said that the order is necessary to protect the health of federal workers and the public they serve.

The order is also likely to put pressure on private businesses to follow suit. Many businesses have been hesitant to mandate vaccines for their employees, but the Biden administration’s order could give them the cover they need to do so.

The order is expected to have a significant impact on the federal workforce. There are approximately 2.1 million federal employees, and the order will require most of them to get vaccinated or submit to weekly testing. The order is also likely to have a ripple effect on the private sector, as many businesses are likely to follow the government’s lead and mandate vaccines for their employees.

The Biden administration’s order is a significant step in the fight against the coronavirus. The order is likely to increase the number of Americans who are vaccinated, and it could also help to reduce the spread of the virus. However, the order is also likely to face resistance from some federal workers and private businesses..

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